We Currently Have a Waitlist For ABA.

For families interested in joining our waitlist, book a consultation call.

Families interested in ABA Therapy AND who are anticipating Core Clinical Funding in 2024, should join the waitlist ASAP.

Book a Consultation to register for ABA Therapy.

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Therapy at Dragonfly is provided directly in the homes of families residing in Renfrew County. ABA Therapy services are focused on supporting neurodivergent child(ren) through skill building and reducing the occurrence of any behaviours that are interfering with their daily living. ABA Therapy sessions are designed to enhance your child’s strengths, incorporate their interests, and develop their skills within an individualized program plan.

In-home ABA Therapy is available across Renfrew County

ABA Therapy is Eligible for Reimbursement Via:

Ontario Autism Program’s: Core Clinical Services


What is ABA Therapy?


Behavior analysis is the science of behavior, with a history extending back to the early 20th century. Its guiding philosophy is behaviorism, which is based on the premise that attempts to improve the human condition through behavior change (e.g., education, behavioral health treatment) will be most effective if behavior itself is the primary focus. […] Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is largely based on behavior and its consequences, techniques generally involve teaching individuals more effective ways of behaving and working to change the social consequences of existing behavior. Treatment approaches based on ABA have been empirically shown to be effective in a wide variety of areas. (BACB)


What is ABA Therapy like at Dragonfly?


Our highly skilled and specially trained team takes the information gathered during the assessment process and creates a plan to work towards your family’s goals with the whole family-unit directly in your home.

This isn’t a quick fix though! We go slow and steady to be sure that the skills your child develops remain a part of their repertoire. ABA Therapy sessions are designed to meet your child where they are currently successful in the home and to slowly build upon existing skills to allow them to thrive. You can expect to see our Instructor Therapists including play and outdoor time into sessions to develop therapeutic rapport with your child and enhance their therapy outcomes and reduce any resistance to learning (Shillingsburg, et. al. 2014.)


ABA Therapy Service Area

At Dragonfly, we come to you to provide ABA Therapy directly in your home where you and your child are most comfortable.


We know travel to appointments costs families more than just money. It costs you time together, wear and tear on your vehicle, and the overall stress of travelling with young children.

If you live within our service area, then we can provide in-home ABA Therapy!


ABA Therapy Packages

ABA Therapy Packages are designed so that your family can make informed financial decisions for your time with Dragonfly.

This also allows us to provide premium service features like collaborating with other professionals, attending case conferences with your child’s school, without you receiving any additional charges.

The specific package will be decided based upon the assessment conducted by Dragonfly’s clinical team and in collaboration with you.

ABA Therapy sessions are 3 hours in length and occur a minimum of 2 days per week.

All ABA Therapy Packages require a minimum 6-month commitment and include 3 months of Caregiver Support.


For more information about our fees, see below:

  • 6 Hours of ABA Therapy Sessions per week.

    • 2 sessions per week

    • Tuesday/Thursday OR Wednesday/Friday

  • 12 Hours of ABA Therapy Sessions per week.

    • 4 sessions per week

    • Tuesday-Friday

  • 18 Hours of ABA Therapy Sessions per week.

    • 6 sessions per week

    • Tuesday-Friday

  • 24 Hours of ABA Therapy Sessions per week.

    • 8 sessions per week

    • Tuesday-Friday

ABA Therapy Assessment

The ABA Therapy Assessment process helps our team to identify, alongside you, the primary goals of service as well as identify the teaching methods to be implemented. This is not the same as a diagnostic assessment for ASD, ADHD OR a Psycho-Educational Assessment.

This Assessment for ABA Therapy is a comprehensive and individualized process that includes caregiver interviews, direct observations, assessing current skills and, assessing behaviours that are interfering with learning (where applicable).

Following the Assessment, you will be provided with a detailed Assessment Report. This report will be further used to inform your family’s Individualized Behavioural Intervention Plan.

These documents outline for you and our team, the goal and focus of ABA Therapy sessions as well as the clinical recommendation for duration and frequency of services.

Do you want to get an idea of which package is right for you?

Do you want to get more information about becoming a client?

Reach out for your free initial consultation!